Top-Rated Kids Emergency Dentist Tacoma WA

We're here to help!


Emergency Care When Your Child Needs It Most

Emergencies don't wait for convenient times, and neither do we. Your child is in good hands with our top-rated kids emergency dentist Tacoma WA. Whether it's a knocked-out tooth, a chipped tooth, or a sudden toothache, our team at Kid’s Choice Dental is ready to act swiftly.

In case of a pediatric dental emergency, call: (253) 848-7000

Immediate Assistance

  • No need to wait—our emergency appointments are designed to accommodate urgent dental needs promptly.
  • Your child's well-being is our priority, and our team is on standby to provide the care they require.

Understanding Dental Emergencies

In the world of pediatric dentistry, a dental emergency involves any situation requiring immediate attention to address pain, prevent further damage, and ensure the overall health of your child's teeth and gums. From knocked-out teeth to severe toothaches, we're here to guide you through these situations and provide effective solutions.

Types of Dental Emergencies in Children

Recognizing and responding promptly to dental emergencies is crucial to preserving your child's dental health and preventing long-term complications. Here are some of the most common types of dental emergencies that occur in kids and how to manage them:

  • Knocked-Out Baby Tooth
  • Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth
  • Chipped or Broken Tooth
  • Cut or Bitten Tongue, Cheek, or Lip
  • Toothache and Facial Swelling

Immediate Actions for Dental Emergencies

Knocked-Out Baby Tooth

Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth

Chipped or Broken Tooth

Cut or Bitten Tongue, Cheek, or Lip

Toothache and Facial Swelling

In the event of a knocked-out baby tooth due to an injury, swift and gentle actions are key:

  • Reassure your child and apply gentle pressure with a sterile gauze pad to stop any bleeding.
  • Try to find the knocked-out tooth. It may be pushed into the gums or partially remain in the bone.
  • Do not attempt to reinsert the baby tooth into the socket, as it could potentially harm the permanent tooth underneath.
  • Contact our pediatric dental office immediately for a thorough examination. Based on the situation, our dentist may recommend treatments like space maintainers to ensure the proper alignment of surrounding teeth.

Time is crucial when dealing with a knocked-out permanent tooth. Follow these steps for the best outcome:

  • Call our emergency kids dentist immediately. 
  • Take a photo of the tooth. This visual can give us insights into the severity of the situation.
  • Gently place the tooth back into the socket and press down with your thumb until the crown is level with the adjacent tooth.
  • Have your child bite down on a cloth or gauze to stabilize the tooth until they reach our dental office.
  • If reinsertion isn't possible, keep the tooth moist by placing it in a plastic bag filled with milk or using a Save-a-Tooth kit.

Children can experience tooth chips or breaks due to various reasons. Dental fractures are categorized into four classes:

  • Class 1 – Fractures occurring in the outer enamel layer
  • Class 2 – Fractures extending into the dentin layer
  • Class 3 – Fractures reaching into the pulp
  • Class 4 – Fractures involving damage to the root

Immediate steps include:

  • Immediately rinse the mouth with warm water to clean the affected area.
  • Use sterile gauze to stop any bleeding, and apply ice if there is facial swelling.
  • Schedule a dental examination and x-rays promptly to assess the extent of the damage and determine appropriate treatment.

In the case of a bitten or cut area, follow these steps:

  • Clean the area with warm water and apply a cold compress.
  • If the bleeding is uncontrollable, call 911. Otherwise, contact us for an emergency appointment to get an evaluation and possible sutures.

Recognize the signs of a toothache emergency:

  • Call our pediatric dental office for an appointment at the first signs of severe pain and facial swelling. Timely intervention is crucial to prevent complications, as severe pain and swelling can indicate an abscess.

For all dental emergencies, prompt action and professional evaluation are essential. Call us immediately at (253) 848-7000 to ensure your child receives the timely care they need.

Preventing Pediatric Dental Emergencies

Ensuring your child's dental health is a proactive journey. At Kids Choice Dental, we believe in empowering parents with preventive measures to avoid dental emergencies and promote a lifetime of healthy smiles.

1. Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular check-ups are your child's first line of defense against dental emergencies. Schedule appointments with our pediatric dentists every six months to detect and address potential issues before they become emergencies. Early intervention can prevent tooth decay, gum problems, and other oral health issues.

2. Establishing Oral Care Routines from Infancy

The foundation for a healthy smile starts early. Begin cleaning your baby's gums with a soft, damp cloth after feedings to remove bacteria. As your child's teeth emerge, introduce brushing with an age-appropriate toothbrush and a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. Teach the importance of regular brushing and flossing as they grow.

3. Safety Measures for Sports and Daily Life

Protecting your child's teeth during activities is essential. Consider these safety measures:

  • Provide a custom-fitted mouthguard for sports to prevent tooth injuries and concussions.
  • Encourage the use of protective gear during activities with a risk of falls or collisions.
  • Discourage using teeth as tools to open bottles or packages, and discourage habits like nail biting and chewing on hard objects.

4. Supervision of Young Children

Active supervision is vital for preventing accidents leading to dental emergencies. Watch over your child during playtime to ensure they avoid activities that could harm their teeth. Keep small objects and toys that pose choking hazards away from infants and toddlers.

What You Can Expect from Our Emergency Dental Care for Kids

  1. Experienced Emergency Team: With extensive experience in pediatric dentistry and emergency care, our team is well-equipped to address a range of dental emergencies promptly.
  2. Compassionate Approach: We recognize the anxiety that comes with dental emergencies, especially when it involves your child. Our team takes a compassionate approach, ensuring a calm and reassuring environment for both you and your little one. 
  3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our modern dental office in Tacoma is equipped with advanced technology. We provide a comfortable and child-friendly atmosphere, making the dental emergency experience as stress-free as possible for your child.
  4. Quick and Efficient Service: From contactless check-in to minimal wait times, we prioritize your child's immediate needs to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and restore their oral health.
  5. Available When You Need Us: Dental emergencies don't adhere to a schedule, and neither do we. Whether it's during office hours or after, our kids emergency dentist Tacoma WA is just a call away. 
  6. Comprehensive Follow-Up Care: After addressing the urgent situation, our pediatric dentists will provide comprehensive follow-up care, ensuring a smooth recovery and ongoing oral health for your child.

Experience Contactless Check-In in Tacoma, WA

To ensure a quick and straightforward dental emergency visit, we'll collect your forms, insurance information, and payment methods digitally.

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Experience contactless check-in in Tacoma, WA

To ensure a quick and straightforward dental emergency visit, we'll collect your forms, insurance information, and payment methods digitally.

Online Booking

We keep our wait times low for your convenience and safety

We know you have a million things to do, so we respect your valuable time. We'll be ready and waiting for you!

Online Booking

Let Us Help With
Your Pediatric Dental

We don't just solve problems,
we prevent them.
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In case of a pediatric dental emergency, call:

(253) 848-7000

Safety is our priority

Enhanced PPE, squeaky clean offices, and sterilized equipment.

Gentle Cleaning

We are thorough, but also make sure our patients are comfortable.

Only what's necessary

We make suggestions based on what your child needs. Nothing extra.
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